Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's starting!

We got the e-mail today that our first group ride is this Saturday! I am so excited... mostly because I can actually go! I was planning to bike Saturday morning anyway, so this will be great. I blocked the work schedule for some Tuesday nights, and a few weekends. I think the group trainings are huge in the success of this whole thing.

I am still liking my running program-- did 5 walk- 4 run today without too much difficulty. I will probably do this once more, do a 5-5 next week, and then start to decrease the walk interval. I am aiming to be at 5 min run & 4 min walk for the 5K next Sunday.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hit A Wall

Ack... biking today was SO hard.

I haven't biked for 2 weeks-- since I decided it was biking that caused the whole searing facial pain problem.

Then I ran yesterday (3 min run- 5 min walk x 48 minutes... 3.6 miles. Excellent), and swam the day before (1900 yds), so I was just tired. And I was nervous about the ride & didn't sleep much last night... so a few miles in, I was already dragging.

I made it though. Maria was great, and stayed with me the whole time. I biked the whole way-- even the hills. It was a nice ride-- we were in the Great Swamp-- and I felt good (though even more exhausted) when I was done.

I need to start thinking of myself as an athlete, and watch the hydration, and electrolytes, and nutrition & all that stuff.

Tomorrow is a rest day.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Up & Running

I am liking my new running program.

The first day I tried, I did 1 min run, 5 min walk. This was too easy.

A few days later, I did 2 min run, 5 min walk. This wasn't bad-- I did 49 minutes, and it definitely felt like a workout. I wasn't dying at the end of the run periods, so I figured I could go longer.

Wednesday after work, I did 3 min run, 5 min walk... only did about 32 minutes before arriving at Stop & Shop... definitely more challenging but it was still do-able. I will do another 3/5 day tomorrow, before moving the run interval up again.

The thing I like best is having a plan. Even the 2/5 day, I felt like I went in with a plan, and accomplished what I set out to do. Before this, when I would just run until I didn't feel like it, and then walk until I felt like running again, I always felt like the walking parts were failures. Now, I do my little program, and feel like I was successful. It's good.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I've been out of commission the last few days with a really crappy muscle spasm thing. I'm not sure exactly what I did-- but for the last few days, my left shoulder & up through my neck, and left side of my face will all of a sudden develop searing pain... which will last a while, and then go away. I've been seeing the chiropractor at least daily. Yesterday, I saw the primary doctor (felt slightly cool to acknowledge I'm training for a triathlon). Diagnosis: Muscle Spasms. Treatment: Muscle Relaxers, which are great, but I can't stop sleeping.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Swearing Off 5K's

So my current running plan isn't working... probably because I don't have a current running plan. Right now, it seems to be run as much as I can, then get tired and walk until I feel like running again... or not... then run significantly less before walking significantly more, lather rinse repeat.

It has been almost a year, and I am not making significant progress on running.

This morning, we did the North Brunswick 5K... I think I logged the longest 5K ever... enough.

So. I have a plan. I am going to do a run/walk plan-- with the goal being to do the same interval over & over for 45 minutes. First time out, my plan is to do 1 min run, 5 min walk (I can do this easily, but have to build confidence somewhere!). Then, assuming I can do that well, then we try 1.5 min run, 5 min walk... and build the run interval until it's 5 min run, 5 min walk. Then I will start to decrease the walk. But anyway, I'm not doing any more 5K runs until I can really do them.

Well, I am going to do the Run for Hope on Fathers Day to support Center for Hope... but I'm going to use it as a training run, so will do whatever run/walk interval I'm working on at that point.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Right On Track

I did the bike workout yesterday-- amazing-- I might not like biking & at 6 minutes, I NEVER thought I'd be able to do 45-- but I just did it. Again, the specific directions (and watching CNN) got me through. Very cool that the exercise bike could read my heart monitor. Doesn't take much to impress me. Interestingly, it was much harder to get my HR up for biking than it was for walking. I think maybe I don't have any bike muscles, so it was harder to get up to that level?

I am getting the hitch on the car, buying a bike rack, and getting my bike back from the bike shop tomorrow. We are debating taking bikes up to Rye for the weekend-- not sure how much time we will have to ride though.

Today was swimming-- somehow it was harder today than Tuesday-- but it felt good.

I'm just taking it day by day at this point-- every day, if I make it to the workout, I feel like the TNT people know what they're doing, and I am on track. I am anxious to go to a group training & meet the people on this team.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 2

I trained with Daryl this morning & then went to the gym to do the Day 1 swim workout. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day-- I figure I'll do the Day 2 bike workout and will be all caught up.

The thing is, I'm not the type of person who will really push myself. Like if I want to do something, I'll do it over and over with marginally greater effort each time-- and eventually it will get easier and I'll be able to do it-- but I'm not one of those "all-out" types of people, in athletics or anything else.

It worries me a little-- we don't start group bikes & runs until mid-June-- so most of the early training has to be self-motivated. I will push myself to get up, or go to the gym, or follow the schedule, but like if I'm running and I start to get tired, I'll just walk. I am quite sure I could run an entire 5K if I needed to-- but I haven't. I don't have that kind of drive. I did push more than usual in the swim workout today. The directions were very specific, which helped.

I have to figure out when I can get to the gym to bike tomorrow. My bike is ready at the bike store (yay!) but the workout is written for a bike trainer. I ordered a hitch for the car today, so I can put a bike rack on it-- hopefully this will be done in time to take bikes up to Rye this weekend.